White Rose & White Hydrangea Bouquet
$17.95 AUD
Get ready to be swept off your feet by the romantic allure of our artificial White Rose & White Hydrangea Bouquet with new and hyperrealistic real touch technology. This stunning bouquet boasts white blooms with ruffled petals, elegantly accompanied by dark green serrated leaves. Whether you place it in a vase to adorn a cozy nook, accentuate a table centerpiece, or add a touch of elegance to weddings and events, this bouquet is sure to steal the spotlight. They're long-lasting and hypoallergenic, so you can enjoy their beauty without any sneezy setbacks. And with no wilting or unpleasant odors, they're the cost-effective, hassle-free solution to your floral needs.
* Material: fabric, plastic, iron wire
* Keep out of direct sunlight
Measurements: 18cm Diameter x 27cm Height
SKU: 48717